No Compromises.

Emerald Analytics is a data engineering and analytics consultancy serving exclusively non-profit organizations.

We give non-profits access to enterprise-grade technology and talent at a fraction of the cost.

We help you do more good.

  • You're a mission-focused non-profit.

    You have raw data to wrangle, and you need analytics to understand what resonates with your constituents and make sure you're getting the most out of every dollar of fundraising spend.

  • We're your springboard.

    We've worked with clients just like you for years, helping them turn raw data into actionable intelligence that leads to optimized donor communication strategies that maximize the efficiency of your marketing budget.

Our Services

Modern non-profits need a modern data stack just as much as any tech company. We’re here to help.

  • Getting your data in one place is critical to deriving insights.

    We'll help you choose ETL technologies to get your data, and data warehouse platform to keep it in. We’ll set it all up for you and make everything run smoothly.

    For resilience and maintainability, we use off-the-shelf solutions wherever we can, but can absolutely build a custom solution when needed.

  • Once your data is all together, we need to make it all talk to each other. We’ll meet with your team to understand how you measure success, then build data models that apply your business logic and and blend all of your data into a unified structure, preparing it for your reporting tool of choice.

  • Counting things is never as simple as it sounds. Even a question as seemingly straight-forward as “what day was this donation given?” has hidden complexity: the day in what time zone? If the gift was given online, should the donor’s local time be the determining factor, or your HQ? Do you want to record the gift on a different date for marketing purposes than for tax reporting purposes?

    These aren’t new challenges for us. We’re here to untangle it all, and get you to a place where you have reporting you can trust, based on business logic you understand and can clearly articulate to your board.

    We can suggest a reporting tool to you, or bring your existing tools. We’ve seen it all, and will structure the data model to provide the data in the way your tooling expects.

  • We’re vested in your success. Our goal is for you to outgrow us. When that happens, we’ll be here to help you take the next step.

    It might seem self-defeating to say we’re excited to help you fire us, but our mission is your success. When that success means you outgrow us, we celebrate it! We’ll help you interview and hire great talent, we’ll train them on the stack and best practices, and coach them as they onboard. When they’re ready to fly on their own, we’ll happily stand aside and celebrate this next chapter for your organization.

    If you just want to supplement us with in-house staff, or have us around for support or design help, we’ll be happy to help there too.