Enterprise-grade. Mission-aligned.


If a task is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. I seek balance between quality and speed, but when the two conflict, I bias toward quality.


I recognize that every dollar in my clients’ budget is the result of their donors’ labor and generosity. I use free and low-cost systems and software wherever possible.


People do their best work when they believe in what they’re doing. Therefore, I only work with clients with whom I am mission-aligned.



I have held several titles over the years, but they all boil down to the same inescapable conclusion: I have been a complete and utter data nerd since 2005. I’ve built data warehouses in just about every mainstream database engine, and a couple pretty obscure ones too. I’ve worked in software, eCommerce, medicine, and marketing, and the meet the needs of those industries I’ve learned multiple programming languages, systems engineering, cloud networking, information security, data modeling, and of course business reporting and analysis.

In short, I’ve spent my whole career developing systems-based solutions that are a force multiplier for the whole team.


The Japanese have a concept called Ikigai, and it’s generally thought of as the intersection of a) what you enjoy, b) what you’re good at, c) what the world needs, and d) what you can get paid to do. I love data and the stories it tells, I like to think I’m pretty good at it, and I have spent my whole career getting paid for it. I do this because I want to do work that matters.

As a result, I only work with clients where I am proud of what they do, and that I was able to contribute to it.

Usually this takes the form of Christian non-profits, but I have no objection to with secular non-profits either, provided I am aligned with their mission. By only working with clients where I am mission-aligned, you know that more than anything else, my goal is your success.

Michael Dunn

Husband. Father. Data nerd. Tech geek.

I’ve learned everything I know by doing it. My educational background is in Economics, and for the last 19+ years, I’ve been a huge data nerd. From a Skagit County taxable retail sales revenue forecast for my Senior project in college (I was accurate within 1%), to devising a new marketing creative tagging tool for an early SaaS company, completely retooling the principal KPI report for a top non-profit fundraising agency, standing up business analytics for a new division within the largest eCommerce company in the world, building a new data stack for a medical information startup, and building and deploying a multi-tenant data warehouse and reporting solution for the largest independent performance marketing agency in the country, I’ve seen a lot and done a lot.

I’ve used all the modern tools, I know what works and what doesn’t, what questions to ask, and what pitfalls to avoid. I want to put that knowledge to work for you, to help you amplify your impact on the world.

If that sounds like something you could use, I’d love to talk to you.